March 11th is a special day because on this day the signing of Act of the Restoration of the Independence of Lithuania is commemorated. On this occasion, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) invites the University community to celebrate together and participate in organized activities.
After the restoration of Lithuania's independence in 1990, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) also recorded the first page of its history. Just a month after the announcement of the restoration of independence, an institution of higher education was established, which in 2004 was named Mykolas Romeris University.
MRU grew, strengthened together with the restored independent state.
First of all, it began to train specialists, who were most lacking in demand at that time. Specialists in law, public administration, and public security educated at MRU made a significant contribution to creating the foundations of the state.
Therefore, in order to commemorate this special day for Lithuania and the University, MRU invites you to participate in four events marking the March 11th holiday:
March 6th, come to the exhibition, "Freedom - the Common Name of our Pursuit: Vytautas Landsbergis - 90", CR I-201 aud., lobby;
March 7th, 16.00, attend a concert marking March 11th, where Darius Mažintas will play (piano) and Jonas Sakalauskas (soloist) will sing, CR I-201 a.;
March 9th, 11.00, Flag Raising Ceremony in MRU‘s courtyard, near the flags;
March 14th, attend the football championship in CR I-116 aud. And CR II-105 aud.