June 12th, 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Environmental Management LAB Head Prof. Paulo Pereira told a reporter from Arab Al Jazeera TV that the continuing war in Ukraine will impact not only the environment, but also food deliveries.
“Ukraine is the bread basket of the world. The War is problematic for food security,“ Prof. Pereira told reporter Nick Lazaredes from the „People and Power“ documentary series.
"Soil, agriculture and water will be affected by the war,“ he said adding that “people may die due to the lack of water or effects linked to war-linked damage to the environment.“
Prof. Pereira and a team of international researchers are investigating the effects of the Ukrainian War on soil, air and environment at their LAB in Vilnius.
A long-term effect of the War will also be land mines, which have been lodged in the soil in agricultural areas of Ukraine, Prof. Pereira said.
“Mines take decades to clear. It‘s a huge problem,“ he added.
The interview will be aired this fall on Al Jazeera‘s English language TV programme, as part of the “People and Power“ documentary series, which is investigating the effects of the War on Ukraine‘s environment.