Jan. 16th, 2015, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Rector Prof. Alvydas Pumputis and International Commission for Evaluation of Crimes of the Nazi & Soviet Occupational Regimes in Lithuania Secretariat Head Ronaldas Račinskas signed a cooperation agreement. It paves the way for establishng a Tolerance Centre.
Other participants at the signing ceremony included: International Commission's Secretariat Deputy Head, Education Programe Coordinator Ingrida Vilkienė, MRU Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations Prof. Inga Žalėnienė, Law Faculty International & EU Law Institute Prof. Justinas Žilinskas, Law Faculty Lecturer Juozas Valčiukas and MRU Theatre Head Julius Dautartas.
The agreement stipulates that research on issues relating to tolerance and human rights will be conducted at the Centre.
In addition, education projects and other events will be organized encouraging tolerance among peoples of difference nationalities, races, political views and social groups.
The Tolerance Centre will collect and amass information in written, film, photo and other formats about Nazi and Soviet occupational regime crimes in Lithuania.
The cooperation agreement between both institutions seeks to foster values of civil society and respect for human rights and freedoms, on which a liberal democracy is based.