Admissions results are good and the number of international students studying in Bachelor's Degree programmes increased by 93%, said Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Admissions Head Saulius Bugailiškis. However, he cautioned that the admissions results may change somewhat due to ongoing institutional admissions.
Compared to 2018, the number of international students increased not only in Bachelor's Degree programmes, but was also up 22% in Master's Degree programmes.
The most popular programmes among international students were: Psychology, Communication and Digital Marketing Bachelor's Degree programmes. Those seeking a Master's Degree chose Law.
The most international students come from Ukraine, Turkey and Asian countries.
Overall, there was a 26% increase in admissions to Bachelor's Degree studies in state-financed places. There was a slightly smaller number of agreements signed for state non-financed places - over 300. This decrease was due to changes in state institution specialists and several other universities deciding to lower the admissions mark lower than that at MRU. But this decrease was compensated by the increase in international students' admissions, said Bugailiškis.