
10 July, 2017
Academic Ethics Centre Head Took Part in EGOS Colloquium in Copenhagen
Academic ethics
July 5th-8th, 2017, MRU Academic Ethics Centre Head and researcher Dr. Loreta Tauginienė participated in the European Group for Organizational Studies' (EGOS) 33rd international colloquium, The Good Organization: Aspirations, Interventions, Struggles.
The colloquium, attended by about 2,000 participants from Europe, Asia, North America and other countries (Australia, New Zealand), was held at Denmark's Copenhagen Business School. It was a forum allowing researchers to discuss and exchange research results and further areas of research.
On July 5th, Dr. Tauginienė along with Germany's Friedrich Schiller University Jena (FSU) Prof. Mike Geppert, U.K. Hertfordshire University Prof. Graham Hollinshead, Canada's York University Dirk Matten and U.K. Cass Business School Prof. André Spicer led a workshop for PhD students and young researchers, "In Search of New Research Directions and Methods for Critically Studying Social Responsibility."
Workshop participants were acquainted with qualitative method application for studying social responsibility.
EGOS is an association, which aims to further the theoretical and/or empirical advancement of knowledge about organizations. One of its main aims is to maintain and provide a forum for members to study organizations worldwide. It unites 2,500 researchers from 54 countries.
The Research Council of Lithuania, by way of financing for research trips abroad, provided financing for this trip.