On 21–25 November 2023, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) will host a series of mediation events dedicated to publicizing the benefits of mediation as a peaceful method of dispute resolution, and encouraging future lawyers to recognize the need for mutual cooperation and respect in the search for amicable solutions that serve the interests of both parties to a dispute.
Mediation has been used in Lithuania for almost two decades. Family mediation processes are the most widely used, and this pre-trial procedure for resolving family disputes has been mandatory since 2021. However, global experience shows that mediation has great potential for wider application in other areas of civil, administrative, and even criminal justice.
The series of events will begin on 21 November 2023 with the international scientific conference “Overcoming the Mediation Paradox: Ideas, Challenges and Best Practices”. The organizer of the conference, the MRU Mediation and Sustainable Conflict Resolution Laboratory, together with social partners, the International Academy for Dispute Resolution (INADR), the National Judicial Administration and the Lithuanian Bar Association, aims to promote cooperation and discussions between scientists, practitioners and state policymakers in search of effective tools that promote the wider use of mediation.
The concept of the mediation paradox describes a situation where, despite being universally recognized as an effective alternative to litigation in a wide range of disputes, mediation is still not applied often enough in practice in many European states. Therefore, this event will explore issues such as how to raise public awareness of mediation and how to encourage the parties to a dispute to choose this alternative method of dispute resolution more often.
The keynote speakers of the event are world-famous scientists Giuseppe de Palo (USA) and Nadja Alexander (Singapore). Other internationally recognized mediation experts from Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, Israel, and the USA will also give presentations and share their perspectives at the conference. All conference participants will be invited to join two parallel panel discussions and share their insights on the promotion of mediation. The event is partly funded by the Research Council of Lithuania and Go Vilnius. The social partners of the event are International Academy for Dispute Resolution (INADR), National Courts Administration and Lithuanian Bar Association.
The official conference language is English. Attendance confirmation certificates will be issued to participants upon request after the event. The conference program is available here.
Registration to the conference is open until 17 November 2023. Participants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible to secure their spot. Please register here: https://forms.gle/U47G1S1DeShnm1Ek8. Participation in the event is free of charge, but the number of participants is strictly limited. The event will be held only in-person.
The second part of this series of events is the International Student Mediation Tournament, which is traditionally organized by MRU together with its long-term international partner, the INADR. The events of the tournament will begin on 22 November 2023 with an intensive training session for students. The playoff rounds of the tournament will take place on 23–24 November, and the final will be held on 25 November. The series of events will finish with an awards ceremony and a Gala dinner.
MRU is proud to be organizing the INADR tournament in Vilnius for the third time and invites student teams from law schools in Lithuania and abroad to register immediately. The registration fee is $330 (€310) per three-person team. Registration information and tournament rules are available on the INADR website.
Registration to serve as a tournament judge is also open. Judge positions are open to experts, academics, and practitioners fluent in English and with experience in mediation. Judges may register using the following link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/9040544ADAE2CA2F58-44906776-inadr?fbclid=IwAR2fe7CF03wp2c1NB2mIQK1Tb0EyyAD_bPv-cMeopEWp1POibvWa2Y1HSdQ#/
See you soon in Vilnius!
If you have any questions, we kindly invite you to contact us by e-mail at: a.tvaronaviciene@mruni.eu