Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Prof. Paulo Pereira has co-authored an article published in 2020 in the "Geography and Sustainability" research journal that was the most cited article in the journal in 2020.
Prof. Pereira, the Head of MRU's Environmental Management LAB, is co-author of the article, "Prioritizing Sustainable Development Goals and Linking Them to Ecosystem Services: A Global Expert's Knowledge Evaluation." It was published in the journal in December 2020.
The other 5 researchers who co-authored the top cited article include: Wenwu Zhao, Siqi Yang, Francesco Cherubini, Bojie Fu and Yanxu Liu.
The Geography and Sustainability journal publishes articles on: ecosystem services and well-being, sustainable development, geo-data and Sustainability Models and geographical processes.