Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Environmental Management LAB Head Prof. Paulo Pereira has co-edited a book on Urban Soil and Water Degradation that is published in November 2022. The book's other Editor is Carla Ferreira.
Urban Soil and Water Degration, Vol. Seven, explores a emerging and state-of-the-art technologies, including topics such as: urban sprawl, soil degradation, hydrological challenges in urban areas, soil and water quality – pollutant sources and pathways, ecosystem services in urban areas, freshwater-related nature-based solutions in cities, property rights and climate change - land use under changing environmental conditions, municipal planning to prevent soil and water degradation and it includes the case of Vilnius.
Additional chapters of the book include: Groundwater in Venetian area, Soil protection and hydro-geological risk assessment, a strategic planning experience in Franciacorta, data-driven approach for assessing surface runoff in separated sewage systems: Israeli Case Study, Ecological status of urban streams and riparian habitats in the Czech Republic, and soil and water degradation in urban areas from western Romania, Mapping water ecosystem services: supply and demand in Stockholm, Land degradation and water availability in Ethiopia, and the study of land use and land cover changes in the Bekéscsaba area, Hungary.
Prof. Pereira's areas of research include: land degradation, ecosystem services and nature-based solutions. He has published more than 450 publications in books, peer-reviewed articles and conferences. Prof. Pereira has received several international prizes (e.g., “Doctor Europeaus”, “European Geosciences Union Soil System Sciences Division Outstanding Young Scientist Award".)