Free summer Lithuanian language courses for Ukrainian war refugees have ended at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). The MRU initiative, held from June to August. offered Ukrainians not only free Lithuanian language,but also cultural courses. A number of students, teachers, lecturers, and researchers who fled from Ukraine, attended the courses. According to the organizers, the initiative drew so much interest that MRU had to stop registration in June after a flood of applications.
MRU's Faculty of Human and Social Studies (SPSF) received as many as 77 applications implementing a project funded by the Education Exchange Support Fund for the 27 financed places. Such an excess in the number of applications attests to the great desire of Ukrainian citizens to learn.
Throughout the summer, Lithuanian language and culture courses were held in two groups: beginners and advanced. The initiative consisted of the following: development of linguistic competences suitable for communication in Lithuanian in all areas of public life, familiarization with the history of Lithuania, historical links with Ukraine and Lithuanian culture. The aim was to present the most important features of Lithuanian history and culture in order to provide knowledge necessary for the successful and sustainable integration of Ukrainian citizens into Lithuanian society.
The Lithuanian culture and history course, organized by MRU, is based on the principles of experiential education, choosing methods and forms that correspond to the age and educational experience of the course participants. In addition to the classical inclusive lectures in the auditorium, learning also took place in non-traditional environments such as museums and excursions.
MRU Lecturers, who participated in the initiative, have many years of experience in project activities and work with students from abroad and Lithuania. They are active researchers. The project was led by Faculty Vice-dean for International Relations and Projects Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Pivorienė. Lithuanian language for beginners was taught by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vitalija Karaciejūtė, for the advanced - Rasa Valienė. The cultural and historical part of the course was supervised by Prof.. Dr. Romas Prakapas.