Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) experts at the end of 2021 conducted a feasibility study to analyze the situation within the sports sector and specialists working in this sphere. The study, undertaken by order of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, aims to determine the competencies of persons employed in the sports field and opportunities for improving the activities of sports specialists in Lithuania.
The feasibility study was prepared in accordance with Lithuanian and foreign legal acts which regulate the development of the sports and physical activity sector and the training and improvement of specialists. The feasibility study consists of four parts and there are recommendations.
The Ministry organized a series of four public consultations with various stakeholders in the country's sports and physical activity sector: sports federations, sports clubs, municipal sports departments, and higher education institutions. During consultations, MRU Prof. Vilma Čingienė presented the results of the feasibility study. It was noted that it was necessary to link and formalize the competencies of specialists in the sports and physical activity sector with the National Qualifications Framework in order to ensure a transparent and clear training system for specialists in Lithuania. In addition, there was discussion about liberalizing education, training and qualification opportunities in the sports labour market.