In 2021, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) became the only Lithuanian University evaluated by UI GreenMetric and was ranked 197th among the most sustainable universities in the European region.
The evaluations of universities are published each year by UI GreenMetric to reflect their efforts to reduce the university's ecological footprint, assess research in this area and sustainability in education. This year, 956 universities from 84 countries around the world were ranked in terms of input and impact in areas such as research and studies, infrastructure, energy, climate change, waste sorting, water and transport use. MRU in 2021 was the only Lithuanian university evaluated by UI GreenMetric.
"Of course, a high place in the international sustainability rankings is not the ultimate goal of the University, but it helps to assess our progress and highlight areas where we can still reach out," said MRU Rector Prof. Inga Žalėnienė. "I am very pleased with this assessment of the joint efforts of the MRU community. It shows that we are a University which has made great strides in the field of sustainability and we can be proud to be among the best. We are exceptional in Lithuania. We will strive to further strengthen sustainability initiatives in the country and the region," said Rector Prof. Žalėnienė.
MRU has an approved a 2021-2023 sustainable activities strategy. This year, almost 8% of all university procurement was green, with 6 science, over 20 voluntary, charitable and community initiatives on sustainable development. Electricity use declined by 4% and there was a 19% reduction in electricity consumption. Almost 40% of waste is sorted, and use of paper and plastic has been reduced to a minimum. About 50 bike parking spaces were installed. A charging station for electric vehicles was set up. A contract was signed for the installation of a solar energy park on the roofs of University buildings.
The UI GreenMetric World University Ranking aims to provide evaluations of the current condition and policies related to Green Campus and Sustainability in the Universities all over the world. The Rankings have seen a dramatic increase from 95 universities in 35 countries in 2010 to 912 universities in 84 countries in 2020.