QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019 were announced on February 27, 2019. This year four Lithuanian universities were ranked in different study and research areas. For the first time in Lithuania’s history, it was ranked in the field of law. Mykolas Romeris University was the only Lithuanian university that appeared in the subject ranking for law among the 300 best universities of the world, taking the 251-300 position.
„Ranking according to education and research areas is more accurate and objective than institutional ranking. Specialised universities face challenges to compete with universities that have a broad spectrum of subjects in institutional ranking systems while ranking according to the specific subject discloses university’s strengths and weaknesses. The fact that Mykolas Romeris University was ranked high globally and takes the leading position in Lithuania in the area of law is the result of long-term focused and consistent efforts and the great achievement of our academic community“, says prof. dr. Inga Žalėnienė, Acting Rector of Mykolas Romeris University.
“World ranking of Lithuanian studies and research in law is an important event not only for Mykolas Romeris School of Law, but also for Lithuania, as it is the first time it appears on this international ranking. In comparison with other subjects, legal research has less possibilities to compete internationally due to limited legal publications’ opportunities and natural focus on national issues where research impact is high. Internalisation has been a priority for our Law School for several years. We expect that our new study programs, including the LegalTech LLM to be launched this year, courses for paralegals and common law, as well as new international reseach projects will bring us international competitive advantage and create additional value for our students and the society”, prof. dr. Lyra Jakulevičienė, Dean of Mykolas Romeris School of Law suggests.