How to find a book in MRU Library?

  1. Go to MRU Virtual Library.
  2. Choose “ADVANCED SEARCH” on the right.
  3. Slect “Library Catalog” in the “SEARCH CRITERIA” block.
  4. In the “Search filters” block, select a search criteria for the keywords: a) “Title” – when you know the exact name of the publication, b) “Any field” – when you are looking for publications on a certain topic, c) “Author/Creator” – when you know the author of the required publication.
  5. If necessary, set other search criteria.
  6. Enter a query in the search field and click “SEARCH”.

   7. Paieškos rezultatų sąraše pasirinkite reikiamą paspausdami ant leidinio antraštės arba saugojimo vietos. In the results list, select the required one by clicking on the title or storage location.

    8. In the detailed record of a book, you will see all its storage locations and the cipher. Check if there are available loanable items in the Lending Depatment. Books from the Reading rooms could be used only in the area of the Library.

  • Remember the publication’s storage location and the cipher.
  • The cipher indicates publication’s place on the shelf: 159.9 Fe-173. There A4 format sheets of paper with explanations of the cipher’s meaning on the Library shelves. Once you’ve found the appropriate shelf, look for the triangle-shaped tab. Do not forget that the books in that section are arranged alphabetically and by linguistic principle: 1) Lithuanian, 2) English and other, 3) Russian.

How do I log in to my account in MRU Virtual Library?

  1. Go to MRU Virtual Library.

      2. In the top right click “Sign in”.

      3. Choose “MRU Single Sign On”. Enter MRU e-mail username and password, choose the correct domain. Click “Login”.

      4. Your surname and name will appear in the top right. Expand the menu and click on the “Library Card”. Here you will be able to view information related to the publications’ loans and requests, fines and fees, blocks and messages. Under the tab “Loans” you will be able to extend the borrowing terms of taken publications, if those are not reserved by other readers.

      5. Don’t forget to “SIGN OUT”.

How to extend the borrowing term of a book?

  1. Login to your personal account in MRU Virtual Library.
  2. You will see all at that moment borrowed publications under the block “Loans”.
  3. You will be able to extend the borrowing terms of all taken publications by clicking “RENEW ALL”. If you want to extend the borrowing term of a specific book, click on it and click “RENEW” next to it in the appeared table.
  4. The borrowing terms can be extended unlimited number of times within the period of 9 months (calculated from the date of the loan). Books must be returned to the Library after that. The fee for the late return will start to count, if you will be late with the return. You will not be able to extend the borrowing terms of taken publications, if other readers will reserve these books.

Why can't I extend the borrowing term of a book?

The system will not allow to extend the borrowing term:

  • if the book has been reserved by another Library user;
  • if you are late to return more than 3 books;
  • if your fine for late returning books exceeds 9,90 EUR.

Do I have to make a reservation if I want to borrow a book?

  • If a book is for loan in the Lending Department, you don’t need to make any reservation. The book can be checked out any time.
  • If all items of a book from the Lending Department are taken by other users, you can make a reservation of it and be informed when the book has been returned.
  • You always have to make a reservation of a book, if it is placed in the Storage of the Library.

How do I reserve a book?

1. Conduct a search in MRU Virtual Library. When all items of a required book are taken, the system will show note “Not Available”. You can reserve this book. If there are still available copies of a required book in the Library, you will not be able to reserve it.


2. Clicking on a book title or note “Not Available” will take you to a detailed record about a book. There will be information about the status of a book – until when it has been loaned. If you want to reserve this book, you will have to sign in into your reader’s account.

3. Click “Sign in”, choose “MRU Single Sign On”. Enter MRU e-mail login name and password, choose domain correctly. Click “Login”.

4. Click on the active note “Request”.


5. In the appeared table, you can specify the date by which you will wait for the reserved book. Fill in the fields or leave the default view and click “SEND REQUEST”.


6. The system will show the note “Your request was successfully placed”.

7. You can view the reserved books and order progress by logging into your personal account in MRU Virtual Library. Look in the block “REQUESTS”.

How many books can I borrow from the Library?

Bachelor degree students can borrow up to 30 books, Master degree students – up to 40 books, lecturers – up to 50 books.

Can anyone else return the book that I have borrowed?

Yes, anyone can return your borrowed books.

Can I return books when the Library is closed?

Yes. Readers can return the books using Book Return Machine at the Library entrance or using the Drop Box located at the side entrance in the University courtyard.