Mykolas Romeris University is the largest social sciences university in Lithuania, uniting the academic community of law, public security, human and societal studies, business and public administration.
The structure of the University can be found here
If you have decided to join the University community…
- Please present a valid Primary Health Check Certificate to Office C-IV-210 (Vilnius) or contact m.jaskeleviciene@mruni.eu should you have any questions.
- Sign the employment agreement at the Personnel Accounting Office C-I-204 (Vilnius), Office L-405 (project activities, Vilnius) or Office K-205 (Kaunas)
- Provide Financial Office (C-V-126, Vilnius or email pankoviene@mruni.eu) with your bank account details.
- To get the International ITIC card, please contact jonasdzi@mruni.eu, Office C-II-135 (Vilnius) and to activate it please contact jurij@mruni.eu.
- The Head of the Department shall email registracija@mruni.eu with the name and personal email address of the new staff member to obtain the registration code. Then please register here and create an MRU email account. Should you have any questions, please contact rimas@mruni.eu or tel. 8 5 2714531.
- Use your MRU email username and password to log in to the Moodle training platform, where you will find all the information you need for your new position. In addition, take the Health and Safety, and Fire Safety tests on the platform.
On your first day at work, discuss with your Unit Head about new position details, meet your colleagues and see your new workplace. Have a good start at MRU!
IT Helpdesk information system
Welcome to the updated IT Helpdesk which will ensure that your requests don’t get lost, get to the right specialist and resolved quickly.
The system is accessible:
- in a browser https://pagalba.mruni.eu/en/
- by email itc-helpdesk@mruni.eu
Financial support for MRU staff in the case of a sickness or family member loss
In the case of sickness or family member loss, you can get a financial allowance. The application, proof of loss and family member relationship should be submitted to anzelika.veziene@mruni.eu