Critical role of PUBlic employees in CIRcular ECOnomy implementation: Embedding circular economy thinking in HEIs, No. ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE 101179344
Project No. ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE 101179344
Project abbreviation: PubCirEco
Project title: The critical role of civil servants in the circular economy: Implementing circular economy thinking in higher education.
Project leader: Prof. Dr. Birutė Mockevičienė
Project coordinator – Mykolas Romeris University
Project partners – Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics TTK University of Applied Sciences Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics The Open International University of Human Development ‘Ukraine’ FH CAMPUS 02, University of Applied Sciences (CO2) Technical University of Moldova The Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova State University of Moldova
This structure of project partners allows for the integration of different competences and knowledge in the field of circular economy, the sharing of responsibilities for the coordination of activities according to the existing expertise in the different fields and the sound implementation of project activities.
The project’s primary objectives are as follows:
- Teachers at partner universities in Ukraine and Moldova will have extensive expertise in the field of sustainability, enabling them to effectively impart this knowledge to their students.
- Students from Ukraine and Moldova will gain new skills that will be directly applicable to their future workplaces.
- The collaboration would facilitate the establishment of a network between the academic sector and public administration.
The target group is the academic staff of Ukrainian and Moldovan partner universities and their students:
- Policymakers (local authorities)
- Business representatives
- PhD students
- Researchers
- Students
Summary: The PubCirEco project is designed to enhance the competencies and expertise of students and highly qualified professionals who are or will be employed in the public sector or private enterprises. Additionally, it aims to promote greater inclusivity in academic programs and internationalize the higher education systems of Eastern European countries, particularly Ukraine and Moldova. The objective of the project is also to highlight the role of Higher education in the development of values, norms, patterns of behaviour, skills, and experience related to the culture of “green” development and European practices of the Circular Economy model implementation. The project seeks to improve the level of competencies, skills and employability of students embracing practices of Circular Economy by developing innovative education modules, promoting inclusive and digitalised education, establishing intensive study courses for students and teaching staff for shorter study periods and supporting students and academic staff mobility.
The project is partly funded by the ERASMUS+ Strategic Partnerships Programme.