Digital Badges - MRU

Skills Academy / Micro-credentials
Digital badges

Skills Academy – soft skills or transferable skills development program for students. Due to ongoing changes in the labor market, in order to stay competitive and develop careers successfully, there is need for new competencies, reskilling and upskilling. MRU aims to respond to the needs of students and employers, providing opportunities to develop transferable skills, which will help to successfully integrate into the labor market and adapt to change.

Since the beginning of 2023 we have been developing a platform, where you can find various trainings aimed at developing transferable skills here

Areas of training: leadership, creativity, personal effectiveness, personal career management, stress management, etc.

Course duration is 27 hours, of which 8 ac. hours are allocated to classwork and 19 hours are allocated to self-study.

Upon successful completion of the training, a micro-credential (1 ECTS) is issued in the form of a digital badge.

Trainings takes place in groups (up to 15 students). The trainings are conducted by MRU professors, social partners are invited as guest speakers and contributors. Skills Academy trainings are free for MRU students.

Follow us and register!

Digital Badge Programme is a competence development programme, that gives extensive learning opportunities. MRU students can acquire and improve their knowledge and skills by participating in academic, volunteering mentoring, career development as well as other extra-curricular activities and obtain a digital badge as a proof of their knowledge and skills. Participate in activities and events, develop your skills and build your dream career!  

The programme is available on the platform. We invite you to register and collect badges as a digital proof of your competences! 

How to get started?

  1. Register on the platform at or download the “Badge Wallet” mobile app to your phone.
  2. Create an account using your MRU email address. If you have registered with a different email, set your MRU email as the primary one while you are still studying, and your personal email as secondary. The personal email will be necessary to access the platform or mobile app and to retain the digital badges and certificates you’ve earned once you graduate and become an MRU alumnus/alumna.
  3. In the settings, enter your full legal first and last name. This information will be required if you receive a certificate.
  4. Participate in activities, submit evidence, get them approved, and earn digital badges.

How can you earn digital badges?

  1. You can earn digital badges independently by participating in events where the organizers will provide a QR code to scan or following the instructions given in the description of each digital badge on the platform.
  2. You can earn digital badges through the activity coordinator, who will confirm your participation in a specific activity (a list of activities is provided below).

Global value and recognition

You can get a digital activity badge as confirmation for:  

  • Participation in Student Council of Mykolas Romeris university (SCMRU) activities as a group coordinator (group leader), a student representative of the committee of the study field, a student representative of the council at the academic unit, a student representative of the university senate, a SCMRU member, SCMRU President, a member of the Presidency, a member of the Presidium, a chair of the board of governors, or a student mentor;  
  • Participation in career development events;  
  • Participation in trainings;  
  • Representation of MRU in sports competitions and tournaments;  
  • Scientific activities – presenting research work at a conference, preparing a scientific article etc.;  
  • Participation in a mentoring programme;  
  • Artistic and cultural activities;   
  • Participation in international events and activities.

Participate in the programme, develop your leadership, teamwork, planning, communication, creativity and other skills, and build your digital competence portfolio! 

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March 27
Zotero - Reference Management Tool
27 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
April 02
How to Prepare a Good Presentation for Thesis Defense?
02 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
April 16
How to Find Information for Your Papers?
16 d. 12:30-13:30 hr
Online training | MS Teams
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