A unique opportunity for youth to gain knowledge and develop cnflict resoliution skills! - MRU

12 March, 2025
A unique opportunity for youth to gain knowledge and develop cnflict resoliution skills!

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU), together with partner universities and non-governmental organizations, is implementing the ERASMUS+ project "ArtNoConflict", aimed at enhancing conflict management skills among students and other young people (aged 18–30) and promoting international cooperation.

The project focuses on distance learning, making knowledge and skills in mediation and conflict resolution accessible to a large group of young people. Through virtual exchanges of training participants and an online lecture course, the project seeks to improve students’ and young professionals’ conflict management skills while fostering international collaboration. It is planned that throughout the project, around 2,000 young representatives and youth workers will acquire the fundamentals and skills of mediation and conflict resolution.

🗓 The first online training will take place from March 31 to April 30, 2025!
📚 Training scope: 2 ECTS credits, a total of 60 academic hours.
💰 The training is FREE!
📩 The training sessions will be conducted online on weekdays in the afternoon. Participants will receive a detailed schedule via email in advance.
📌 Registration is open until March 30, 2025. Register here!

MRU plays a key role in the project. The MRU Mediation and Sustainable Dispute Resolution Laboratory has developed engaging training materials, trained lecturers and exercise organizers, prepared interesting and useful practical tasks for training participants, and will conduct part of the remote sessions. This project is led by Prof. Dr. Agnė Tvaronavičienė at MRU, with assistance from Lecturer and PhD candidate Indrė Korsakovienė and Mediation expert Dr. Julia Radanova.


Project Partners: Dutch Business Academy (Kingdom of the Netherlands) (Coordinator); Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania); V.N. Karazin National University (Ukraine); KROK University (Ukraine); Non-Governmental Organization – Association of Youth Councils of Ukraine; Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia); Non-Governmental Organization – Youth for the World (Georgia)


The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships programme.

Project No: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-VIRT-EXCH 101139196