Mykolas Romeris University was highly ranked in the QS World University Sustainability Rankings - MRU

6 December, 2023
Mykolas Romeris University was highly ranked in the QS World University Sustainability Rankings

The QS World University Rankings: Sustainability, an international university ranking agency, has published the rankings of higher education institutions globally, where Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) was evaluated for the first time. This year, 1397 universities around the world including 493 European universities have been ranked with regard to their contribution to Environmental impact (environmental sustainability, environmental research, environmental education), Social impact (knowledge exchange, impact of education, health & well-being, equality, employment and outcomes) and Governance.  MRU was awarded the 268th position in Europe and the 637th position globally.  Areas such as environmental sustainability, environmental research, impact of education, health and well-being, equality and university governance, were the highest rated. For more information please visit here.

"We are delighted that MRU's environmental research and studies, consistent implementation of equal opportunities, increasing social impact, focus on the health and well-being of the university community, and progressive governance have received high international recognition. This is a credit to the entire MRU community, which is committed to sustainability. By sharing good governance experiences with Lithuanian and foreign partners, collaborating with European and global universities, the capital's Didlaukis community and other social partners, we aim to implement sustainability initiatives that meet the expectations of the general public, especially the youth.  MRU's investment in sustainable development is an investment in the future of all of us," says Prof. Dr. I. Žalėnienė, Rector of MRU and Vice President of the International University Association.

Different objective indicators and their evidence are assessed by international academic community experts which make it possible to evaluate university performance results in different areas of sustainable development, social impact and good governance as well recognize international achievements and the impact of research and studies and the institutional daily operations on society.