Consultation - MRU


CV consultations
Individual consultations
Preparation for job interview

Are you preparing for a new career challenge or perhaps preparing your CV for your first job or internship? Would you like CV analysis and recommendations?

The MRU Career Centre provides a CV review and CV development consultancy service. Contact us and get feedback on:

  • CV structure and overall impression;
  • Content;
  • Presentation of information;
  • Aspects of the CV to improve.

We will also give you guidance on what to look out for, how to present yourself more effectively, and what questions to ask yourself before sending your CV to an employer.

Please send your CV to:, indicating whether you require CV analysis only or CV analysis and consultation.


Individual meetings are available, during which a consultant will assist you:

  • Develop an informative and employer-oriented CV;
  • Create an effective job search plan, learn about different job search methods and resources;
  • Prepare for a job/internship interview (learn how to present yourself well in mock interviews).

You are welcome to register for a career consultation at

  • Worried about a future job interview?
  • Maybe it’s your first job interview and you don’t know what to expect?
  • Or maybe you’re about to take on a new career challenge?

Test yourself, get feedback and tips to help you present yourself successfully and stand out in a job interview!

MRU Career Centre invites you to a job interview exercise. During this one-to-one session, you will talk about yourself, present your activities and experience and answer questions. We will discuss the different types of job interviews, the most common questions (as well as provocative questionsimage), and how to present yourself in order to make a good impression during the job interview. This way, in a safe and supportive environment, you’ll test yourself, gain more experience and gain the confidence to land your dream job!

Classes are for MRU students.


Useful links
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Įvykių nėra.
June 28
Orange Festival
28 d. 17:00-19:00 hr
Ateities g. 20, Vilnius, MRU inner courtyard
June 28
End of the school year celebration
28 d. 16:15-16:45 hr
Ateities g. 20, Vilnius, MRU inner courtyard
June 28
Faculty of Human and Social Studies graduation ceremony
28 d. 14:00-15:45 hr
Ateities g. 20, Vilnius, MRU inner courtyard
Mūsų istorija socialiniuose tinkluose

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