„European Identity as a Key Factor in the Formation of an Open Society in Lithuania: Philosophical Analysis and Legal Interpretation“, No. MOD-17029 - MRU

„European Identity as a Key Factor in the Formation of an Open Society in Lithuania: Philosophical Analysis and Legal Interpretation“, No. MOD-17029

Project No. MOD-17029
Project title:European Identity as a Key Factor in the Formation of an Open Society in Lithuania: Philosophical Analysis and Legal Interpretation ”.
Project duration: from 2017-04-01 to 2019-09-30.
Project manager: doc. dr. Povilas Aleksandravičius.

Summary: This project will involve an interdisciplinary research aimed at a philosophical analysis and legal interpretation of the influence of European identity on the formation of an open society in modern Lithuania. The object of the research will include the ideas expressed by Lithuanian intellectuals – especially philosophers and lawyers – from the interwar period, which correspond to the concept of an open society, as well as the block of Soviet thinking that still influences the processes of Lithuanian society, but the main focus will be on the tendencies of opening up of society after 1990. Three researchers, including one from France, will analyse in detail the complex notion of European identity and its reception in Europe and Lithuania, interpreting it as a key factor in the formation of an open society. The various conceptions of the open society, from the term’s author Bergson to its most extreme variants, will form a separate part of the study. The processes of opening up of Lithuanian society, analysed as a result of the symbiosis of European identity and open society concepts, will be reflected upon by the researchers as thought processes that take on an fromlative expression in state law.

The project is funded by the Lithuanian Research Council under the national research programme “Modernity in Lithuania”.