„Analysis of school characteristics that enhance adolescents' personal identity formation processes“, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-21-0066 - MRU

„Analysis of school characteristics that enhance adolescents’ personal identity formation processes“, No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-21-0066

Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-21-0066              
Project title: „Analysis of school characteristics that enhance adolescents’ personal identity formation processes ”.
Project duration: from 2020-10-09 to 2021-03-31.
Project manager: doc. dr. Rimantas Vosylis.

Summary: The aim of the project is to reveal the school characteristics that reinforce different processes of personal identity formation in adolescents. Internship objective: in order to meet the objective of the field trip, the internship will analyse data from two ongoing studies through complex hierarchical model analysis.

Result to be achieved: data analysis of the two studies will be carried out, which will lead to the finalisation of the manuscript of a scientific paper. The manuscript will be finalised after the return from the fellowship. This result will strengthen the RV’s competences in research on personal identity, increase the visibility of the RV and the institution it represents in the international identity research space, and strengthen the skills of international collaboration in joint research and joint publications with experienced foreign researchers. This result will broaden the skills in the application of RV research methods. It will also ensure the continuity of the collaboration with researchers at Utrecht University, and ensure the conduct of joint research and publications after the end of the traineeship period. The project will also significantly increase the researcher’s chances of becoming an independent researcher in the field of the psychosocial development of the Yufromli.

The project is funded by the European Social Fund under the action No. “Development of scientific competence of scientists, other researchers, students through practical scientific activities” under the activity “Development of the capacities of scientists, researchers and development of cooperation in the framework of the exchange of scientific ideas, scientific trips to and from Lithuania” under the impact of the action “Improvement of competence in scientific events abroad”. Grant agreement with the Lithuanian Research Council (LMT)