„The Portrait of a Judge“ – a multi-dimensional model of competencies to be measured during the procedures of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges, Nr. 2018-1-0662 - MRU

„The Portrait of a Judge“ – a multi-dimensional model of competencies to be measured during the procedures of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges, Nr. 2018-1-0662

Project No. 2018-1-0662
Project title: „The Portrait of a Judge“ – a multi-dimensional model of competencies to be measured during the procedures of selection, evaluation and promotion of judges.
Project duration: from 2020-06-01 to 2023-11-30.
Projekto coordinator: Mykolas Romeris University
Project manager: dr. Salvija Mulevičienė.

Project object: the main objective of the project is to develop an innovative, scientifically sound, transparent, impartial and flexible multi-dimensional model for the assessment of judges’ competences and attributes, with appropriate methodologies and assessment tools (concrete examples and ready-to-use templates, e.g. online e-judges’ self-assessment tools). This model aims to propose ways and means to improve three procedures: (1) selection of judges (from among candidates for judicial office), (2) individual performance evaluation of judges and (3) promotion of judges (to higher courts or to management positions) (points 2 and 3 also cover the specific competences of judicial managers and the corresponding evaluation methodology). Public information activities will increase the transparency of the judiciary.

Project website https://judgeportrait.eu/project-description/

Project financed by Norwegian funds.