„Spiritus Loci – A Place to Reborn (Spiritus Loci)“, Nr. 1682767 - MRU

„Spiritus Loci – A Place to Reborn (Spiritus Loci)“, Nr. 1682767

Project No. 1682767              
Project title: „Spiritus Loci – A Place to Reborn (Spiritus Loci)“
Project duration: from 2021-07-03 to 2023-02-28
Project coordinator: COMITATO REGIONALE UNPLI LAZIO (Italy) 
Project manager in MRU: prof. dr. Irena Žemaitaitytė
Other partners: Speha Fresia Società Cooperativa (Italy), Synergeio Mousikou Theatrou Astikimi Kerdoskopiki Etaireia (Greece), Leibniz University Hannover (Germany), The Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (Bulgaria).

Summary: Since the last Eurostat culture publication in 2019, we have learned that in 2015, almost two thirds (64%) of the population aged 16 and over had participated in at least one cultural activity in the last year, more than one third (35%) are involved in artistic activities, and the more mature age group (65-74) prefer to visit cultural venues rather than attend live performances or go to the cinema. The pandemic has changed many things. Measures restricting mobility and the strict security standards applied to events have led to the collapse of performance activities, putting millions of jobs, cultural enterprises and associations at risk. This approach makes it possible to develop effective cooperation practices on the ground, based on international cooperation experience, which will strengthen integrated territorial networks at local level and contribute to the dissemination of intergenerational learning opportunities, in our case focused on a more responsible use of cultural resources, tangible and intangible, natural and environmental, historical and cultural. Among the indirect beneficiaries, we aim to attract young audiences and all those who are dissatisfied with the current cultural offer, which sometimes, as in the case of Larissa’s ancient theatre, obscures the traditions of ancient Greece.

In four countries (IT, LT, EL, DE), young people and adults will take part in a journey of cultural expression, both real and virtual, “in their own places”, through a first phase of cognition and absorption, a second phase of expressive practice, open to the public and the community, in order to find a synthesis in the heightened perception of artistic activity as a pathway to participation and as food for social cohesion. The other two partners (IT and BG) will use experts in the fields of arts and culture, entertainment, informatics and multimedia production, adult education and vocational training. The three themes are: Creativity and Culture; International Cooperation, International Relations, Development Cooperation; Intercultural/Intergenerational Education and Learning (Lifelong Learning).

Result to be achieved: In addition to Speha Fresia’s quality assessment of the monitoring activities, MRU will develop a comprehensive set of quantitative and qualitative indicators for each of the proposed intellectual achievements, planned multiplier events, training implementation, dissemination and follow-up. These indicators will be proposed in the impact assessment plan and the MRU will carry out the impact assessment in months 12 and 24, with the foreseen development of online questionnaires and the production of two reports summarising the feedback received, an interim and a final report.

More about project here

The project is funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme.