Dec. 16th, 2022, Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Prof. Paulo Pereira delivered online lecture on “Land Use Impacts on Ecosystem Services” at Kazi Nazrul University in India.
Prof. Pereira, who is head of the MRU Environmental Management LAB, was invited to deliver online lectures as part of Four Days Capacity Building Training Program for young PhD and postdoctoral scholars and young researchers within 5 years of completing their PhD and Master’s Degree students interested in urban studies.
According to information provided by Kazi Nazrul University, the main objective of this program is to impart knowledge among young researchers for solving urban environmental problems through the applications of geospatial technology.
The lecture session will be conducted on Google Meet platform.
Kazi Nazrul University’s Department of Geography is organizing the Training Program sponsored by KNU UGC-STRIDE Component – I project on “Urban Microclimate and Geospatial Technology.”