MRU Environmental LAB Researcher Miguel Inacio Presented Paper on Mapping of Lake Ecosystem Services in LT at Riga Conference - MRU

26 October, 2022
MRU Environmental LAB Researcher Miguel Inacio Presented Paper on Mapping of Lake Ecosystem Services in LT at Riga Conference

Oct. 26th-27th, 2022 MRU Environmental Management LAB researcher Dr. Miguel Inacio participated in the international conference, "Nature-Based Solutions for Improvement of Water Quality and River Basin Management," in Riga, Latvia.

The Conference, organized within the EU LIFE Project, "Implementation of River Basin Management Plans of Latvia Towards Good Surface Water Status," aimed to understand the role of nature-based solutions and ecosystem services for achieving better ecological conditions in water bodies. Several participants took part in the Conference sharing lessons learned from European case studies.

Dr. Inacio presented the paper, "National Scale Assessment and Mapping of Lake Ecosystem Services in Lithuania" which was part of a session that dealt with "Freshwater Ecosystem Services." The paper focused on sharing the results from the "Lithuanian Lake Ecosystem Services: Impacts of Climate and Land-Use Change" (LACLAN) project regarding ecosystem services mapping in freshwater ecosystems.

The "Lithuanian Lake Ecosystem Services: Impacts of Climate and Land-Use Change" (LACLAN) project receives funding from the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 "Development of Competences of Scientists, Other Researchers and Students Through Practical Research Activities."

More information about the conference here.