MRU Rector: In the Face of Today’s Challenges, We Must “Unlock” Research, Data & Knowledge for Society - MRU

27 October, 2022
MRU Rector: In the Face of Today’s Challenges, We Must “Unlock” Research, Data & Knowledge for Society

In the article, “The Role of Open Science and Knowledge Circulation in the Process of Higher Education Transformation” published in the publication of the International Association of Universities (IAU Horizons issue,  vol.2, no. 27, 2022) Mykolas Romeris University Prof. Dr.  Rector Inga Žalėnienė points out that academic communities around the world should focus on responding to the existential challenges of climate change, armed conflicts, health crises, rapid technological change and other contemporary challenges.

Based on the concept of education as a common good of society and a human right, the article emphasizes the importance of exchanging scientific knowledge and open access to research data in order to effectively solve new problems and respond to society's needs.

Read the entire article here: