MRU Honorary Doctor Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis Honoured at MRU Event: "Lithuanian Independence, Constitution, Democracy" - MRU

20 October, 2022
MRU Honorary Doctor Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis Honoured at MRU Event: “Lithuanian Independence, Constitution, Democracy”

MRU’s Central Building Auditorium Named after the Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytautas Landsbergis

October 20th, 2022, the event, “Lithuanian Independence, Constitution, Democracy” was held at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU). The event was dedicated to the first leader of the restored independent Republic of Lithuania, MRU Honorary Doctor Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis marking his 90th jubilee anniversary.

The MRU community joyfully greeted Prof. Landsbergis, who came to the event held in the MRU Central Building auditorium, renamed –Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytautas Landsbergis Auditorium.

MRU’s Senate made the decision to rename the auditorium after evaluating a recommendation by MRU Law School Council to honour Prof. Landsbergis, the first leader of the restored Republic of Lithuania, a prominent statesman, MRU’s Honorary Doctor for his achievements regarding a free, independent and democratic Republic of Lithuania and for his support to the University for many years.

“Professor Vytautas Landsbergis himself has said on several occasions that our University was born with the hope that we will have innovative European higher education institutions. It is apparent that for Prof. Landsbergis the restoration of a European Republic of Lithuania was inseparable from the birth of a modern university. Therefore, one of the most important University auditoriums, I-201, will be named after the Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytautas Landsbergis, highlighting his merits for an independent, free and democratic Republic of Lithuania, its people and Mykolas Romeris University,” said MRU Senate Chairman Prof. Romas Prakapas.

The Chairman of the Senate noted that the path of Lithuania’s independence, Constitution and democracy is inseparable from the outstanding individuals, who united the Lithuanian people to seek freedom.

“Lithuania, on the way to forming its own state, repeatedly had to overcome various threats, both by armed resistance and diplomatic efforts. Prof. Landsbergis has said that Truth and Law – these things apparently were inconvenient not only for the East, but also for the West. For us, in Lithuania, Truth and Law were absolute values,” the Senate Chairman said. This is evidenced by the famous letters of King Gediminas, Kazimierz jurisprudence, Lithuanian Statutes, one of the first written constitutions in the world, the February 16th Independence Act, the March 11th Act, the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, approved in a referendum by citizens of the Republic of Lithuania on October 25th, 1992, noted Senate Chairman Prakapas.

The MRU academic community and guests who gathered at the event had the opportunity to hear Prof. Landsbergis’ memories and insights about the most relevant events in Lithuania and the world. The discussion was moderated by MRU Prof. Justinas Žilinskas.

Lithuanian politicians, society leaders, law enforcement institution representatives as well as researchers, academics and representatives from cultural institutions, friends, relatives and loved ones were on hand to congratulate Prof. Vytautas Landsbergis, the leader of an independent Lithuania and MRU’s Honorary Doctor. There were surprises, “musical gifts” and improvisations for Prof. Landsbergis. He was feted by MRU Theatre Director Julius Dautartas and his team along with pupils from the National M. K. Čiurlionis School of Arts.