How to Deal with Stress During Exams - MRU

31 May, 2022
How to Deal with Stress During Exams

Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) invites high school graduates to find time to handle their emotional state and learn how to overcome stress ahead of examinations. Youth, who want to avoid stress are invited from May 31st to use the emotional health strengthening programme set up by start-up “Mindletic.” MRU, along with the partner, will give away to 100 high school graduates from all of Lithuania, the possibility to use the programme for free for a 2-month period.

Exams are a cause for much worry for high school graduates, because future plans depend on doing well on exams. Stress management can become a real challenge for everyone. We aim for 12th graders to gain self-confidence at this stage, thus increasing the opportunities to more easily overcome the challenges that arise, said MRU Communication and Marketing Center Head Jurga Strimaitienė.

MRU cares about the emotional health of its employees and students. The University provides free psychological help in both Lithuanian and English remotely or live to all members of the MRU community. In addition, the university community has free access to individual, group and team Mindletic sessions.

There will be 100th twelfth graders who can use the “Mindletic” programme for free from May 31st to July 23rd. Graduates can activate their account by downloading the App and entering the code that MRU publishes on its website, in the "You Can Do More Than You Think" page.

In the Mindletic App, users anonymously record their experiences to create a personal emotion map based on a Yale University study, which helps analyze the factors that influenced specific experiences, and personalizes the experience based on reflected experiences, and provides insights based on the user's physical health data. Various breathing and relaxation exercises and educational content are also offered to the users of the App. Users who want to discuss emotional health topics in more detail can join specially created thematic groups.

“In order to develop emotional resilience, psychological strength and to achieve the best results regarding our emotional intellect, we must continuously train it as if it were a muscle, independent of how “mindletic” we truly are. We can always be stronger," said “Mindletic” founder and Head Ieva Vaitkevičiūtė.

There have already been tens of thousands of users of “Mindletic” in Europe. The start-up cooperates with Lithuania’s Psychologists’ Association, the Human Rights Watch Institute and various researchers and has won recognition internationally.