On Prof. Romeris' Birthday, Prizes Awarded to Winners of Essay and Drawing Competition - MRU

17 May, 2022
On Prof. Romeris’ Birthday, Prizes Awarded to Winners of Essay and Drawing Competition
Art Exhibition

On May 17th, the birthday of Prof. Mykolas Romeris, in his home town Bagdoniškis, (Rokiškis area) Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) celebrated the “Festival of Legal Thought“ to mark this special day. During the event, winners of a March writing competition were awarded prizes.

Prof. Romeris – a Patriot About Which Still Not Much is Known

Mykolas Romeris (1880-1945) is an esteemed lawyer and judge after whom a University in Vilnius is named. This professor is also known as the author of many books. Prof. Mindaugas Maksimaitis, a professor at the Department of Legal Philosophy and History of Law noted that Mykolas Romeris was an intellectual, a memorable educator and an academic with a wide range of interests. He was the first historian of the Lithuanian national revival, a versatile lawyer, an excellent political analyst, an authoritative statesman, an active public figure, a passionate publicist and figther, said Prof. Maksimaitis.

In addition, Prof. Romeris worked in the case of annexation of the Klaipėda region to Lithuania. In 1932 Prof. Romeris was appointed a judge at the Hague Court of Justice regarding the interpretation of the Klaipėda Region Convention and Statute. Then he defended the annexation of the Klaipėda region to Lithuania.

 During the Festival – Awarding of Prizes

While Prof. Romeris‘ birthday is celebrated on May 17th by the community with a visit to his manor in Bagdoniškis, the official award and prize ceremony was held at the Rokiškis Area Museum.

Winners of a writing competition, “Getting to Know Mykolas Romeris“ were awarded prizes. Pupils taking part in the competition – in the upper classes could either take part in a writing or a drawing competition. Winners of the creative writing segment: “Letter to Mykolas Romeris“ included: Most Original Essay –  Alvita Milaševičiūtė, “Most Academic Essay” – Marija Adomavičiūtė, „Most Relevant Essay” – Gustė Dubininkaitė. In the drawing segment, the winners included: “The Most Realistic Drawing” – Samanta Čarkauskaitė, “The Most Creative Drawing” – Ervinas Riševičius and “The Most Mesmerizing Drawing” – Darja Zimariova.

More about Mykolas Romeris University: www.murni.eu/en