2022 - the Year of Lithuania's Universities - MRU

31 January, 2022
2022 – the Year of Lithuania’s Universities

The Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania has designated 2022 the Year of the Lithuanian Universities. This commemorates the 100th anniversary of establishement of Lithuania’s University in Kaunas. This year, an important year for Lithuania’s higher education, there are many events, conferences and excursions that will take place to mark this occasion. Members of Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) community will participate in many of the events.

This year, 2022, is exceptional because it marks Lithuania’s cultural, technological, academic thought and the establishment of higher education in Kaunas.

At that time, the activity at universities in Lithuania contributed to the successful development of Lithuania and quickened cultural and urbanization processes in the entire country.

Special Logo Created to Mark the Occasion

Thanks to the input of universities, not only the educational system developed, but also the country's economy, health and sports system improved, Lithuanian research terminology was created along with new research spheres that were necessary to strengthen Lithuania's economy and business. The first textbooks were published in Lithuanian, the first research and arts centers were created. The first independent research and cultural associations were established allowing for well-known Lithuanian and European intellectuals, philosophers and others to lecture.

To commemorate this occasion, the country's universities will invite to free events open also to the wide community: conferences, lectures, exhibitions, concerts and cultural and research events.

All of these initiatives will be marked by a special Lithuanian Universities logo, which is already used by all higher education institutions in Lithuania.

Open Lectures and a Documentary

According to Lithuania's Universities Rector's Conference (LURK) President, Vilnius University (VU) Rector Rimvydas Petrauskas, the university tradition in Lithuania is truly longer than a century, but Lithuania's university marks a new beginning.

"It is a young Republic's ambition to establish higher education, grow its intellectuals, foster its unique language and culture. That is also important today.  The University has become one of the basic foundations of the state. Today this view must also be fostered with the understanding of the importance of universities and higher education for the state – and especially for the success of not very big, but ambitious states," added Prof. Petrauskas.

Feb. 16th, at the "Žalgiris“ Arena, there will be a special event, hosted and gifted by Kaunas universities, which sprouted from Lithuania's university including – Kaunas University of Technology (KTU), Lithuania's Health Sciences University (LSMU), and Vytautas Magnus University (VDU). It will be possible to view this event live via LRT TV.

At the beginning of the year a series of Open Lectures – kicked off. Each month in a different university, including MRU, there will be meetings with academics, political scientists, historians, artists and other personalities who will talk, discuss and present their inspiring works and creations.

A documentary film about Lithuania's universities, to be broadcast via LRT TV, will be the culmination of a series of events marking 2022 as the year of universities.