MRU Students Return to Classrooms: Order & Exemptions in Time of COVID-19 - MRU

31 January, 2022
MRU Students Return to Classrooms: Order & Exemptions in Time of COVID-19

Spring semester studies at Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) will be organized in classrooms face-to-face. In response to the rapidly changing pandemic situation and taking into account recommendations of responsible institutions, the University aims to create a safe environment for studies. MRU will regulate student flows, provide exemptions and solutions, and make sure, when students sick with COVID-19 or otherwise in self-isolation, that they are provided with all needed in the educational process. The University will offer exceptional conditions for student self-isolation in dormitories and psychological assistance.

The health of members of the MRU community is one of the most important priorities of the University. Throughout the pandemic period, MRU applied health security measures in accordance with the recommendations and restrictions set by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania. Medical masks or respirators must be worn on the University premises. Classrooms must be regularly ventilated and equipped with disinfectants. Access to the premises is subject to the presentation of a vaccination certificate or equivalent documents.

The majority of community members, both students and administrative staff, willingly got their vaccinations. The incidence of illness was extremely low. Complying with all safety requirements, a safe learning environment can be ensured.

MRU’s decision to return to the normal studies process during the spring semester was made taking into account a number of factors: the desire to ensure the highest possible quality of studies and to comply with the requirements of accredited study programmes; considering the opinion of the MRU Student Body Association (MRU SA) to return to live face-to-face studies; the number of vaccinated students and the common position of Lithuanian universities expressed at the Conference of Rectors of Lithuanian Universities (LURK).

In order to control the spread of the coronavirus, it was decided to manage student flows. Lectures, with 40 or more students, will be delivered remotely. Other lectures, where the number of students does not exceed 40 persons, and seminars, will take place live face-to-face. Student flows at the University will not be very high, not only due to the “40 or more” rule, but also due to the fact that most undergraduate and postgraduate studies, use the blended studies model, when some classes are delivered remotely.

MRU also provides an exception allowing to take into account the wishes of a majority of a group of students, if they are ill or for other reasons in self-isolation, to temporarily transfer studies to distance learning.

University students, living in dormitories in Vilnius (Student House) – in case of COVID-19 illness or close contact with a sick COVID-19 patient, are provided free accommodation for self-isolation purposes. Such an opportunity encourages students to test immediately, when they feel they are ill, without worrying that they will not have anywhere to isolate or that they will have to pay extra for accommodation required for self-isolation.

Students, coming to study, and needed to self-isolate, according to requirements of the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), the University covers 50% of the cost of self-isolation accommodation. Isolation rooms are equipped with microwaves, refrigerators, kettles. There are separate entrances to toilets and showers. Food ordered by students that has been delivered, is taken to a designated room by the security guard from which a student in isolation can safely pick it up.

MRU provides free psychological assistance to students who have difficulty enduring a period of self-isolation or suffering from anxiety. It is provided free of charge in both Lithuanian and English remotely or live – to all members of the MRU community.