Public Security Academy Students Met with "Frontex" Liaison Officer Vygintas Kaziukonis - MRU

28 May, 2021
Public Security Academy Students Met with “Frontex” Liaison Officer Vygintas Kaziukonis
Public Security Academy

May 27th, 2021, MRU Public Security Academy students met with "Frontex" Liaison Officer Vygintas Kaziukonis, based in Riga.

Students and lecturers were acquainted with career possibilities in the "Standing Corps",   - an EU border control unit composed of EU country officials, whose main functions will be control and safety of the external EU border and aid to EU member countries maintaining their borders' control.

"Frontex“ stands out due to its international nature, social guarantees, powers of  the officials and the specific job functions. There is continuous rotation of officers and different tasks are implemented. That is why the unit is multifunctional and has wide competency.

The "Frontex“ liaison officer discussed the requirements for candidates, career perspectives, training and the specifics of working for "Frontex."