Communication Head Strimaitienė: MRU Focusing on Blended Learning - MRU

27 April, 2020
Communication Head Strimaitienė: MRU Focusing on Blended Learning

April 27th, 2020, Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) Communication and Marketing Centre Head Jurga Strimaitienė participated in a roundtable "Žinių radijas" radio discussion on online remote learning held on the "Ateities Genas," radio programme.

Strimaitienė was one of several panel participants. The discussion was moderated by Rasa Baltė-Balčiūnienė.

MRU's Communication and Marketing Head said the ongoing quarantine period is an extremely busy period - "intense." She expressed gratitude to her team for working in a united manner during what has been a productive period.

She said that the University is focusing on "blended learning models." Blended learning combines online educational materials and interaction online with traditional classroom-based learning.

During the quarantine she said she has been thinking more about the future and what it holds for University life.

"I haven't thought so intensively about the future as I am doing now," said the Communication and Marketing Centre Head.

Since introduction of the quarantine period in Lithuania on March 16th, Mykolas Romeris University has been conducting lectures, studies and work online remotely.