MRU Theatre Director Presented Ghetto Film in Pakruojis - MRU

5 February, 2020
MRU Theatre Director Presented Ghetto Film in Pakruojis

Feb. 13th, 2020 15:00 hrs., Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Theatre Director Julius Dautartas presented his 2015 film, "Getas" (Ghetto) at the Pakruojis Synagogue. The film marks the year of the Vilnius Gaon and Lithuanian Jewish History.

The film depicts the last days of the Vilnius Ghetto and life of the people forced to live in cramped close quarters. Despite the harsh conditions, inhabitants are able to hope, dream, create and seek to survive at all cost.

The 90-minute film is in Lithuanian with English subtitles.

Ghetto was written and directed by MRU Theatre Director Julius Dautartas and the composer was Gintaras Sodeika. Film operators include: Valentinas Ryčkovas and Egidijus Lenčickas.

The event was organized by the Juozas Paukštelis Publc Library in cooperation with the Pakruojis Municipality, Council member Erika Kižiene, the Šiauliai Area Jewish Community, and the Pakruojis Adult and Youth Education Centre.

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