Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) will begin awarding doctoral degrees labeled "Doctor Europaeus," if PhD students fulfill a set of requirements.
Internationalization is an important priority of MRU and therefore from now on doctoral graduates will be able to be awarded this Label along with the doctoral diploma.
In 1991, the European Union's Rector's Conference (now European Universities Association) came up with 4 requirements to have the Label issued:
1. The dissertation will have to be evaluated by at least two researchers from 2 different European Union (EU) , European Economic area countries or the Confederation of Switzerland's research or studies institutions (except for Lithuania).
2. At least one of the members of the dissertation defense committee will have to be from another EU, European Economic area country of the Confederation of Switzerland's research or studies institution.
3. The defense of the dissertation must be in one of the official EU languages (except Lithuanian), which will be approved by the Doctoral Committee.
4. The PhD student will have to undertake at least a 3-month research internship during the studies period in another EU, European Economic area country or the Confederation of Switzerland (this can also be totaled up).
MRU, encouraging mobility of PhD students as well as cooperation in the European research sphere and internationalization, was one of the first universities in Lithuania to become part of European universities (in Italy, Spain, Portugal, France and Germany) that award the European Doctoral Label.