27 October, 2016
Senate Approves Honorary Doctor to Ct. of Justice President Prof. Koen Lenaerts
Oct. 21st, 2016, members of the Senate of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) approved awarding of an Honorary Doctor to the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) Prof. Koen Lenaerts. He was recognised for his significant contributions in developing the idea of European integration and research in the area of European Union (EU) law which draws upon such values as human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights and its most important Institutes. Lenaerts, 61, is a Professor of European Law at the Katholieke Universities Leuven. He studied law at KU Leuven and Harvard University. He has been full professor at KU Leuven since 1983. In 1990, he founded the Institute for European Law. From 1989 to 2003, he was a judge at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities. Since 2003, he has been a member of the Court of Justice of the European Union – first as a judge, and since 2012 as Vice-President. Currently he is President of the CJEU, based in Luxembourg. His term ends in October 2018. The Court of Justice ensures that all EU countries apply the same legislative interpretations. The Court settles legal differences between national governments and EU institutions. Private individuals, companies, and organisations can also bring cases before the court when they believe their rights were violated by an EU institution.