Egyptian Summer School Participant Here to Network, Meet Others - MRU

7 July, 2015
Egyptian Summer School Participant Here to Network, Meet Others
Summer School

Scorching heat greeted participants of Transparency International's (TI) Summer School. On the opening day, July 6th, of the weeklong school, temperatures soared to 32C.

Egyptian Abdel Hennawy from Alexandria, now living in Sweden, said he is not used to such heat anymore.

"It was too hot," the Egyptian, who works at the Swedish Institute for Public Administration (SIPU), in Stockholm.

He said attending the Summer School was not only about the possibility of getting information, but also the opportunity "to meet" other people and network.

Hennawy is one of about 150 participants at the annual Summer School held on the campus of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).

Sessions focus on corruption, how to identify and fight it.

Participants, some already employed at NGO's or institutions in their home countries, come from more than 60 countries including Aghanistan, Albania, Georgia, Iran, Nigeria, Venezuela, Uganda and others.

List of participant countries here.

School programme here.