Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Law Faculty Vice-Dean Assoc. Prof. Regina Valutytė has been selected as the new alternate Member of the Management Board (MB) of the European Union (EU) Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) effective July 1st, 2015.
The EU's Fundamental Rights Agency was established in 2007 to provide expert advice to Member States and institutions of the EU on a range of issues including providing evidence-based advice on fundamental rights.
The agency’s 90 staff members are legal experts, political and social scientists, statisticians, and/or communication and networking experts. Their work is guided by the FRA Management Board.
The Board is responsible for defining the agency’s work priorities, approving its budget and monitoring its work.
Board members include independent experts, one appointed by each Member State, two European Commission representatives and one independent expert appointed by the Council of Europe.
MRU Law Faculty Vice-Dean Valutytė is a member of MRU's Institute of Internatiional and EU Law. She lectures at MRU and abroad on international law and issues related to human rights.