Flight Attendant Motiejūnaitė Bokša's Art Exhibit Opened - MRU

17 February, 2015
Flight Attendant Motiejūnaitė Bokša’s Art Exhibit Opened
Art Exhibition

Feb. 12th, 2015, ex-flight attendant artist Danė Motiejūnaitė Bokša opened her exhibition of paintings, "Dreaming On," on the 2nd and 3rd floors of Mykolas Romeris University's (MRU) II wing.

The 63-year-old artist was introduced by MRU Prof. Eugenija Martinaitytė, whose paintings have also been exhibited at MRU.

Bokša was born July 20th, 1951, in the district of Anykščiai in Jatkonių village. She studied French language at the Vilnius Pedagogical Institute.

In 1971 she began working as a flight attendant and spent the remainder of her life - 36 years, in aviation. She was forced to leave her job due to illness.

Bokša paints only at home. Her best friends are her paintbrushes and the paint she uses to create colourful nature scenes, blooming flowers or scenic paintings such as "The Port," on display in the exhibition.