Feb. 3rd, 2015, woodcarver, Lithuanian folk art master Albinas Šileika opened his exhibit, featuring a collection of wooden distaffs he has carved.
The exhibit is on display through the end of February in the foyer of the Mykolas Romeris University (MRU) Library.
There are dozens and dozens of the wooden distaffs, used in spinning, that have been displayed for viewing.
Šileika said that it takes up to a month or sometimes longer to create one such intricately carved distaff.
He has been engaged in this traditional wood carving art for the last several decades.
After the exhibition closes at MRU, it will be displayed in the Seimas parliament building in Vilnius.
At MRU the exhibit was organized by Librarians Kristina Vaitonienė and Gražina Rozancevaitė.