TEDx Conf Event Held at MRU May 28th - MRU

28 May, 2015
TEDx Conf Event Held at MRU May 28th

May 28th, 2015, a Technology, Entertainment, Design (TEDxMRU) event, KNOW, was held on the campus of Mykolas Romeris University (MRU).

The theme was highlighting knowledge, emphasizing the need to remain open, to find one's anwers knowing how to stay peresent and to be ready for the future.

TEDxMRU featured sessions on education, technologies and society (giving and receiving).

Jan. 22nd, MRU was informed that it had been granted a license to organize a TEDx event on campus.

TED is a nonprofit platform for spreading ideas in short talks of 18 minutes or less on various topics. TED began in 1984 as a conference and today covers various topics in more than 100 languages.

More about TEDxMRU here.